Ever considered firing your boss….?

July 27, 2010 at 1:04 pm (Uncategorized)

Hi folks

If you have ever considered firing your boss or setting up your own business then this is for you.

Audio MOBIvation <<<<——– Click Here for the FREE audio download.

It’s an interview that was done with Lisa Arther of Investment Mastery on setting up my online business, MOBIvation.com.

It contains so many of the mistakes that I made that can save you big money and big time if you are interested in setting up your own business or if you are keen on online business in general.

Audio MOBIvation <<<< —— Click Here for the FREE audio download.

Feel free to send this to your friends and family too.

To your Health, Wealth and Happiness.


www.MOBIvation.com <<<—– The “next generation” of your personal and entrepreneurial development

Hi Paul, I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you so much for your MOBIvational text messages. They arrive first thing in the morning and make a great impact to my day, putting me in the right frame of mind to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. You have a real ability to touch that part of the soul that ignites a blazing inferno inside of me to motivate me into action throughout the day. I cannot find words to tell you how powerful that is.

There have been many times just lately where I have been faced with quite a lot of adversity, and whilst I always try and pull through, sometimes it can be really tough going. It’s always at the point when I reach the depths of despair that the phone beeps, and there is a message to remind me how beautiful life really is and how we only have one opportunity at it; that we owe it to ourselves to make it the best we possibly can. I then realise that the adversity I’m facing is only a test of character and that I must continue to push through to find the seed of learning and opportunity.

The most powerful thing however is that it seems sometimes as though you are actually there with me, looking over my shoulder and encouraging me to keep going – a huge positive point and one that keeps me highly motivated. I feel everyone who truly wants to be the best that they can be, needs ‘MOBIvation’ in their life! I wish you all the very best of success, now and in the future.

Silas Lees

(Property Investor)

www.MOBIvation.com <<<—– The “next generation” of your personal and entrepreneurial development

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